sabato 13 aprile 2019

[News Packaging] An email which you really can't afford to miss ☄

See how Auge Design doubled their client list in 2 months with Pentawards success...?

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The world's leading packaging design competition


Grow your business opportunities

Showcase your work to a worldwide audience

Receive recognition from design leaders

Gain constructive feedback that is actionable and honest

Find out more
 How last year's top winner doubled their client list  and expanded into new continents in two months
Looking for first-hand evidence of how Pentawards exposure can be invaluable for your business? See below how Auge Design, the 2018 diamond winner, witnessed their new business opportunities skyrocket after their success with Pentawards.
A collaboration with illustrator, Ning-ning Li, to create an inspiring Pentawards story 

From the first idea to receiving an international award for outstanding design. This beautiful story depicts the journey of a Pentaward winner in 2018.
 "Olmo and Oliver used to work together before they founded Bold. They met at a company where both were graphic designers. From the beginning, it was clear they would be more than friends. What mattered most wasn’t what they had in common, but what set them apart...."
Read the full story
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