venerdì 5 agosto 2022

Scopri il micro drone di ultima tecnologia e dall’autonomia raddoppiata

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Our next-generation Drone Until now, only very large, heavy, and expensive quadcopters have been able to provide stable and smooth HD aerial videos. Because of this, we set out to build a drone that could accomplish this in a small, light-weight, affordable device - opening up this exciting hobby to a wider audience. Micro Drone 4.0 integrates three key technologies to achieve this:


Our next-generation Drone Until now, only very large, heavy, and expensive quadcopters have been able to provide stable and smooth HD aerial videos. Because of this, we set out to build a drone that could accomplish this in a small, light-weight, affordable device - opening up this exciting hobby to a wider audience. Micro Drone 4.0 integrates three key technologies to achieve this:

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